There are lots of great crafts associated withDiwali the festival of lights, and making something related to a holiday or celebration that you don’t celebrate yourself is a great entry point (of course these are great for kids and families who do celebrate Diwali as well).
One of the most common crafts associated with Diwali is the diya, a small oil lamp. My daughter’s class once harvested clay from their playground and made little bowls filled with battery powered candles for this purpose.
Rangoli, which are geometric designs similar to mandalas, are also a popular feature of Diwali celebrations, and you can find lots of options to print out and color.
The Educator’s Spin on it has collected a bunch of different options for making diya, rangoli and other Diwali crafts, as well as some books you can read while you make your crafts to learn more about the celebration. Head to her blog for all the details.
[Photo: The Educator’s Spin on it.]